Other Tools
Info coming soon for:
- Expenses Tracker
- Role Swapper
- Emailer
Asset Manager
The Asset Manager tool, found in the Lodge section, helps keep track of the Lodge's property, assets and valuables.
The table shows a list of Assets in the register, with their name, value and current custodian listed.
You can click on a table row for more information, and to edit the Asset's entry or to delete it.
The Custodian field is intended as a reminder of who currently has possesion of the Asset (particularly useful in the case of Past Master's jewels).
For ease, this box has a drop-down suggesting current Members, but this field is free-text, so any person (or place) can be entered.
For example, you may wish to enter 'In Lodge cupboard upstairs' instead of a person's name.
Insured Value
An items approximate value and it's Insured Value may be different, so these can be recorded separately.
Print & Export
You may, for insurance purposes, be asked for an Asset register.
You're able to either export the list as a .CSV file, by clicking Export List or print the list as a report with Print List.
theworkingtools.co.uk/tools/importer (for Members)
theworkingtools.co.uk/tools/contact-importer (for Contacts)
If you're bringing in a large number of Members or Contacts, the Importer tools will be invaluable. This allows you to upload a .CSV file of Members or Contacts instead of entering them manually. The process is similar for both, with Contacts having less fields, so we'll cover the Member importer here.
First, download the example file by clicking Download Example.csv which contains headings and a single data row (under the name Hiram).
Your import must match the headings of this example exactly, or the import will fail.
Enter your data into the example import file, being careful to check that dates copy over correctly (Excel has a habit of messing up dates of birth!).
Dates with errors will be skipped, so double check before importing.
Remember to remove the Hiram example row, or he'll be added as a Member too.
Once the data is complete, click 'Choose file' to select your spreadsheet, and Import Members to begin the process. After a few seconds your Members will be imported.
To batch-update information, you are able to re-use the upload function to update new information into your Member's records.
This process uses the Member's email address to match existing records, and if a match cannot be found a new Member will be added instead.
Charity Tracker
Our Charitable work is at the heart of every Masonic endeavour, and the Charity Tracker is designed to help you keep track of donations and goals.
The table on this page displays your Charities, along with a progress-bar towards your Donation Target (if set).
If set, your Primary charity will show the 'Primary' tag.
Charity | Progress |
A Great Local Charity Primary |
Editing a Charity
Click on a table-row to open that Charity's record.
On the Charity's page, you can edit the name, contact details and add notes about the Charity.
You're also able to assign the Primary tag by pressing Make Primary.
Editing a Charity
Click on a table-row to open that Charity's record.
On the Charity's page, you can edit the name, contact details and add notes about the Charity.
You're also able to assign the Primary tag by pressing Make Primary.
Adding a Charity
To create a new Charity to track, click Add a new Charity on the Charity Tracker page, and fill in the Charity name in the box that appears.
Deleting a Charity
On the Charity's page, click Delete and Delete Charity when the confirmation message appears.
Please note, this cannot be undone and will also remove the records of your donations to the charity too.
Donation Target
From a Charity's record, you can add a Donation Target, which must be entered in whole numbers.
Adding Donations
In the Records card, you can see a table showing all donations to the Charity.
You can use Add a new Record to record a new donation, by filling in the Title (free text), date of the donation and the amount.
The Amount is not required, as you may wish to record non-monetary donations, such as volunteering time.
To edit or delete a donation, click on it's table row.