Additional Lodges
Great Secretaries often get the 'honour' of taking on the admin of multiple Lodges, Chapters and more.
To help combat the admin and to save you logging in with different emails, you can add additional Lodges to your Working Tools subscription (for a reduced cost).
Adding an additional Lodge
To add an additional Lodge to your subscription, click the Add a new Lodge button under the Additional Lodges table on the Subscription page.
You'll then need to click Confirm and re-enter your password.
When successfully added, you will be able to swtich into your new Lodge.
When adding a new Lodge, the cost will be added pro-rata to your main subscription so the billing cycle remains the same.
Removing additional Lodges
To remove an additional Lodge from your subscription, it can be deleted from the Additional Lodges table on the Subscription page.
Please note, this cannot be undone.
You can only delete a Lodge that you're not currently logged into, so you may need to Switch Lodges to another Lodge in order to delete the one you want.
To delete the Lodge, find the Lodge you want to remove in the table and click Remove.
This will open a pop-up which tells you which Lodge you are going to delete. Ensure you've selected the correct Lodge.
If this is correct, click Remove Lodge
Once deleted, your Subscription will be updated accordingly and changes pro-rated to your next billing cycle.
Switching Lodges
If you have multiple Lodges (either because you're the subscriber for them, or you've been added as a Delegate), you can switch between them with ease.
My Lodges
On your Dashboard, there's a table at the bottom which shows all of the Lodges that you have access to, as well as highlighting the Lodge you're currently signed into.
To switch to a different Lodge, simply click Switch
User Menu Desktop Only
On the top right of each page is the User Menu (accessed by clicking your name).
If you have access to multiple Lodges, they'll appear in this menu under the 'Switch' heading. The Lodge you're currently signed-in to will not appear in this list.
To switch, simply click on the Lodge you wish to access.
Once switched, a success message will appear at the top of the page to confirm the switch.